The Finksburg News

Finksburg Planning Area Council, Inc. Newsletter

To Promote A Finksburg Community,

Whose Objective Is To Preserve The Fundamental Quality Of Life Where Farms, Families And Businesses

May Coexist In A Manner Beneficial To All


FPAC Annual Picnic Set For July 22nd!!!!!

"Perpetual Optimism is a force multiplier" – Colin Powell

Who: All residents of Finksburg and its environs are invited

What: To attend the Finksburg Planning Area Council Inc., Annual Picnic

When: Thursday July 22th at 6 p.m.

Where: Sandymount Park near the playground

FPAC Picnic:

The annual Finksburg Planning Area Council picnic is Thursday, July 22nd at Sandymount Park. The picnic begins at 6 p.m. and is sure to be a good time. FPAC Secretary Don Hoffman will be behind the grill cooking up some of the best burgers and hot dogs this side of Fowblesburg. Mat Tiahrt will provide bread courtesy of Ottenberg’s Bakery. Drinks, chips, pretzels and other goodies will be provided by the rest of the board. So don’t miss out on the biggest picnic in the history of Finksburg, July 22nd, Sandymount Park, 6 p.m. Come early and stay late or until 8 p.m. when we’ll go home.

Finksburg Corridor Plan:

At a meeting of the FPAC Board of Directors on July 7th, Matthew Simmont, a county planner, told the board that the county is proposing the additions of an employment campus zoning on the property near Gerstell Academy, eliminating the mobile home zoning and changing the zoning at Hillendale Mobile Home Park along Route 140 and Kays Mill Road to R-40 from R-20 as part of the Finksburg Corridor Plan. Under the proposal, Dr. Fred Smith, who owns the Gerstell parcel, could build an employment campus development on the property. Simmont said the county feels this would be an ideal economic development opportunity. Simmont said the proposal would tentatively be on the county’s Planning and Zoning Commission agenda July 20th. There will be no public comment at this meeting. A vote by the commission isn’t expected until August 17th at the earliest and if approved it undergoes a 60-day approval process.

The FPAC executive board will be writing a letter on behalf of the general membership to the PZC and the county commissioners expressing the council’s grave concerns with a proposed employment campus zoning for the Smith property. We will keep you updated.

John Lopez, FPAC President and former Treasurer Martin Schmidt met with Steve Horn, County Planning Director on June 28th. Horn said the proposed Finksburg Corridor Plan would include the entire 4th Election District and not just the corridor as was discussed at our May meeting. We may have maps of the proposed plan at the picnic.

Billboards Come Down:

As promised the Carroll County Commissioners did not renew the leases for four billboards on county property. Clear Channel Communications began tearing down two billboards on the landfill property and we have attached a photo of the billboards being razed to this email. We take great pride as an organization in pushing for the removal of the billboards from county property and thank the commissioners for their hard work in this matter.

Trash Pickup:

The community cleanup held Saturday July 10th was a huge success, despite concerns of poison ivy and ticks. Not a piece of trash was left along Route 91 south of Route 140 as ten people came out on a beautiful summer day to do their part in making Finksburg more beautiful than it already is. Board member Rebecca Burchell was concerned about mixing it up with poison ivy while picking up garbage and Mat Tiahrt, Neil Ridgely and Donald Hoffman found ticks on them and one member reported a tick bite. Thanks to those who participated and we will do it again in three months.

Web site:

Have you been to the Finksburg web site? If not it's at

If there is a neighbor or a business you regularly trade with ask them if they would like the newsletter sent to them electronically. Send us their address so they are included in future mailings.

FPAC Inc. Schedule

7/22/04- Annual Picnic, Sandymount Park 6 p.m.

8/4/04 - Board Meets 7 p.m.

8/26/04 – General Membership Meeting, 7 p.m. Sandymount UMC

Save a Stamp: Receive your newsletter electronically. Send your e-mail address to Richard Ackerman at

  • Mark Your Calendar: General Council meetings are the 4th Thursday of the month at the Sandymount United Methodist Church. Meetings begin at 7 PM. Board meetings are usually held on the 1st Wednesday of each month.


Yearly Membership Fee: $10 per Household, $25 per business

Dues: You can now pay your 2004 dues. The organization uses money from dues to pay for the printing and mailing costs of this newsletter and other mailings.

______ I would like to join the Finksburg Planning Area Council, Inc. a not-for-profit organization.

_____ I would like to renew my membership. (Dues and donations not tax deductible)

______ Yes, I would also like to volunteer. (Board membership, roadside trash pickup, county meeting attendance, etc.)

______ I would like to make an additional donation of $______________ to the FPAC.



Address _____________________________________

City ___________________________ Zip__________

Phone ____________________ Work phone_____________________



Finksburg Planning Area Council, Inc. P O Box 70 Finksburg, Maryland 21048

Board of Directors:

John Lopez- President

Mike Davis-Vice-President

Maureen Ackerman- Treasurer

Donald Hoffman-Secretary

Mat Tiahrt-Communications Director

Board Members At-Large

Deborah Ridgely

Rebecca Burchell

Jim Johnson

Jim Lewis